"True heart sacrifices involve identifying something precious to us (our Isaac), letting go of our control over the situation, event, or the person as act of worship (or obedience), embracing God's love in the process of the release, and resting in the outcome, even if in this lifetime we are not allowed to understand the reason behind the need for the sacrifice and the pain involved...It is a decision that is intrinsically tied to the personal relationship between us and our God. It is born out of a trust that is developed in spending time communicating with an Abba Father who loves us more than we love our Isaac. The high value of our Isaac is what makes the sacrifice so demanding, because we don't know ahead of time if we'll get our Isaac back." (Carol Kent)
For those of us who hate to give up control of anything, especially something we deem as "Isaac-worthy", this can be the hardest part. The thing about heart sacrifices is that God will never MAKE up give our Isaac. He never forces us to make heart sacrifices. It is an act of obedience, or rather worship, meaning that we get to CHOOSE whether or not we are going to continue to hold on to our "Isaac", or trust God and let it go. Many times, as in my own life, you come to these realizations when your "Isaac" becomes bigger than you. When all avenues have been exhausted, and there is nothing left, it is then that God may be telling you to "lay your Isaac down."
Abraham understood all too well about heart sacrifice. He had been test by God many times throughout his life, and had failed many of the faith-tests God had given him. However, through failing, learning, and continuing to trust in his God, Abraham became a true testiment of what faith really is. When God told Abraham to murder his own son as a sacrifice to Him, Abraham obeyed. To you and me, this seems crazy, horrible, unimaginable, and totally un-Godlike. However, Abraham knew that obeying God, sacrificing his own son Isaac, would be an act of worship; trusting in his Heavenly Father's love for him and his son.
God may not be asking you to sacrifice your own child, but He may be asking you to give up something very precious to you. Whatever your "Isaac" may be, please remember this:
God loves YOU more than you love yourself, AND God loves your ISAAC more than you love your Isaac.
I am learning to trust God in a way that I've never trusted Him before. I'm learning every single day what true faith really is. It's easy as a Christian to say that you have faith in God as long as your life is going smoothly. True faith requires trust when you can see no tomorrow; when the storm is raging and the light of day seems gone forever. When God asks you to "lay your Isaac down", you find out just how trusting and faithful you truly are, or aren't. And let me tell you, I've also learned a few lessons in pride and humbleness.
God doesn't give us all the answers. Yes, it's ok to pray for wisdom, but don't ever expect for God to hand over his all-knowing wisdom to you. It will never happen. Sometimes our questions of why and how will remain just that...questions. If God revealed to us everything He knows and understands, then why would we need to trust him. If we as people could rationalize every single situation in our lives and make sense of it all, then there would be no need to trust or have faith. Sometimes God puts the blindfold over our eyes and simply says, "Let go, take my hand, and trust me...I love you more than anyone."
Heart sacrifices are hard, sometimes the hardest thing ever, because we have to do it willingly with no one making us. The pain is real, the loss of control is a punch in the gut, but the love you receieve in return is more real than any other love you have ever known. I have always known that God loves me, but I can honestly say that I have never felt him wrap His arms around me more tightly than he has since I layed my Isaac down. There are days I can actually feel him carrying me. I have found a trust in Him that I've never known. I've found out what blind faith is...trusting without having one tiny glimpse of what is to come. I know that I am not through learning. I know that I am not through being tested. But one thing I do know and believing more every single day is this:
No one loves ME or my ISAAC more than God does.
My trust in Him rests in that.